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We’ve created a unique B2B/ sales enablement  system and strategy covering a wide spectrum of channels and funnel ingest points.


Redesign and rebuild a more effective digital property architecture to drive better B2B funnel operations.

The Challenges.

ClearGage desired to develop a multi-channel marketing effort that attracted four district B2B audiences that had proven difficult to reach. ClearGage had long used outbound cold calling sales tactics whose efficacy had eroded over the previous few years.  An inbound lead system was needed based upon a permission-driven contact methodology

Our Approach.

Our strategy team felt that first touch awareness would be most easily developed at industry conferences and publications.  Our experts worked with the ClearGage sales team to develop a pre, during, and post-conference methodology to contact hundreds of their target audience businesses. These efforts were buttressed by strategically placed print campaigns that linked to the B2B strategies.

Additionally, we felt that there was significant and untapped online search volume that could be captured with an aggressive paid media campaign.

Our strategic and creative teams were able to blend a unique, creative cornerstone idea that brought thousands of new potential clients into the Cleargage funnel.

Project by the numbers.

Cleargage campaigns benefited greatly from an outstanding cornerstone creative idea that birthed many linked taglines, print and digital ads, and a range of content pieces that drove engagement and new business to new heights. Here are a few top line outcomes.
industry publication impressions
Monthly top-of-funnel entrants
percent increase in bottom-of-funnel conversions
increase in LTV of onboarded clients

What We Built.

Brand Buddha’s UX/UI teams redesigned and built a more intuitive website hub system that was intended to drive faster movement through the buyer’s journey. Additionally, our campaign strategy team developed an integrated B2B and paid media marketing campaign using a mix of traditional and digital tactics to promote bring new users into the ClearGage digital footprint faster and at a lower acquisition cost.

UX/UI website and
Landing Page Groups

  • New website
  • Integrated B2B marketing/sales enablement platform with databased functionality
  • Social platform designs
  • Campaign landing pages

Analytics &

Due to the multitude of entry locations that fed into the Cleargage funnels a robust analytics platform was needed to ensure accurate attribution.

This led to a deeper understanding of who was at the various stages of awareness, consideration, and conversion of a very complicated service uptake model.  Additionally, it provided a roadmap to optimize the entire digital Cleargage experience.

Print Media Content/
Campaign Collateral

  • Content and messaging strategies/ calendars
  • 100+ creative executions and content pieces

Awareness Campaigns

Utilizing industry publications, conferences, targeted social campaigns, Brand Buddha was able to comprehensively engage with the entirety of Cleargage’s target market ensuring awareness message penetration.



2173 Salk Avenue Suite 250, Carlsbad, CA 92008

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